Avengers Endgame Expected To Have Biggest Opening In The History Of Movies Eddie Makuch Avengers: Endgame is almost here. Its release this week comes amid massive anticipation, and as a result, the superhero blockbuster is expected to have a huge opening at the box office. Deadline put some projections together, and Endgame is expected to have the biggest domestic opening in the history of movies. Sources told the site that pre-sale tickets alone in the United States have reached as high as $140 million, which is uncharted territory in film. This is absolutely insane. There hasn't been a (non-sports) globally monocultural event like this... Ever. ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Presales Estimated At $120-140M+; $300M Domestic Opening In PlayChina is even hotter on a relative basis.https://t.co/kKuacRpAQx — Matthew Ball (@ballmatthew) April 22, 2019 I'm still doubtful it will break Avatar's record (and certainly won't when inflation adjusted, to say nothing to massive growth of Chinese box office since 2009).But this is leagues higher than anything else in history when it comes to actual launch demand, concurrent views — Matthew Ball (@ballmatthew) April 22, 2019 Avengers: Infinity War holds the record for biggest domestic box office debut, coming in at $257.6 million in 2018. Deadline reports that Endgame could reach $300 million in the US for its opening, to set a new record. Endgame is a very long movie, coming in at 3 hours and 1 minute; by comparison, Infinity War was 2 hours, 29 minutes and The Force Awakens was 2 hours, 16 minutes. Box office analysts told Deadline that if the 12,000 or so US theatres have four or five showtimes for Endgame per day day at each location, with each theatre at 70 percent capacity, then Endgame might have a chance of reaching $300 million for its opening weekend. Deadline acknowledges that tracking estimates are challenging for Endgame, considering the sample size of movies that have made more than even $200 million over their opening weekends is so small. "More realistic projections for Endgame have it beating Infinity War's all-time domestic opening record of $257.6M last year at this time, and coming in within a range of $260M-$270M," Deadline reported. Also bear in mind that Deadline's report is only for the US. The movie of course is opening around the world, but box office projections for international markets weren't included in the report. Infinity War made $640.5 million for its opening weekend to hold the worldwide opening-weekend record. As for Endgame's total box office haul, that will be interesting to watch. Infinity War made $2.048 billion globally, while Avatar remains the highest-grossing movie worldwide in history with $2.78 billion. Endgame is expected to make so much money, but it's also been a very expensive film to produce and market. The film no doubt has a massive budget due in part to its cast of A-list talent and extensive VFX, among other things. In addition, Deadline reports that Marvel is spending an unprecedented $200 million to promote the film. Endgame is coming on April 26, with some screenings scheduled for the evening of April 25. Spoilers have begun to leak on the Internet, making this a very perilous couple of days for fans who want to be surprised when they see the conclusion of this decade-long story. The film's directors have politely asked everyone not to spoil the fun for others, but we've also put together some practical advice on how to avoid being spoiled. In other news, Fortnite has teased a new Avengers-themed crossover event--get all the details here. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

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