Men stopped reverencing women.

Instapundit linked to an article at Evie Magazine* by S.G. Cheah titled How Feminism Is Driving The Growing Trend Of Anti-Women Subcultures. Cheah describes a disturbing conversation she had with a beta orbiter, where he explained to her why men are going MGTOW:
During the conversation, my buddy explained how despite persuading his friend against becoming MGTOW, he was still sympathetic to his friend’s excuse for doing so. In his words “Men are disgusted with women in almost every way today and are finding happiness in just cutting them out of their lives.” He continues, “And I can’t really argue against anything they (MGTOW) say because I relate to it all myself.”
I pressed harder to ask if he could elaborate on exactly what he meant by that. “Look around you. Every girl acts like a dude and has to have more guy friends than her actual boyfriend. Relationships are no longer partnerships. They’re just mutual debauchery based on meaningless sex and fickle mind games. And in most relationships, I see the women being an overbearing * constantly humiliating their dudes.”
That her beta orbiter would say or even think such things greatly disturbed her. He is a modern Christian, and was raised in the chivalrous model (emphasis mine):
I stood in momentary silence because I was unsure of how to respond to that. I wanted to hear the uncensored truth from him because he (unlike the women hating MGTOWs, Incels, and PUAs) had never viewed women in this way before. He was brought up in one of those traditionally wholesome, family oriented, Christian household, whereby the reverence for women was ingrained in him since a young age.
His father and male relatives were his role models for they knew exactly what it meant to be a protector and a provider. Consequently, the women in their lives (like his mother and grandmother) cherished and respected their men for that. It was then that I realized we’re in a turning point of history where men no longer held a reverence for women like they did in a previous generation.
Imagine her surprise if she learned that the chivalrous model isn’t Christian at all, and is a perversion of Christianity. Imagine if she learned that in Christianity it is wives who are to submit to their husbands in fear and reverence, and not the other way around.
Cheah briefly indicts feminists on her way to concluding that the real problem is weak men screwing feminism up:
The culture establishes that the ideal woman is smarter, stronger, better than the men in every way, and you can always depend on her to swoop in and save the day. This trope is apparent in just about any family sitcom, movies, music, and the literature we consume today. Think — the bumbling fool of a dad in contrast to the highly efficient mom.
The problem when we constantly showcase women in this way is how we are presenting women as nothing but a mother figure. This is perilous because it pushes men to subconsciously embrace the role of the Puer Aeternus — the “eternal boy.” The man need not grow up because why would he? He has women to bear the burden of life for him.
Nowhere in the article does she grapple with the question of how women have responded to feminist indoctrination, or how women should go about undoing that indoctrination. The article concludes with Cheah’s beta orbiter assuring her that real men won’t become incels, MGTOW, or PUAs, and that:
“The problem isn’t women. The problem is feminism.”
*After reading the Evie about page, I would have described it as a secular Christian Cosmo. But then I saw that the creator of the magazine describes it as a conservative alternative to Cosmo.
from Dalrock
Instapundit linked to an article at Evie Magazine* by S.G. Cheah titled How Feminism Is Driving The Growing Trend Of Anti-Women Subcultures. Cheah describes a disturbing conversation she had with a beta orbiter, where he explained to her why men are going MGTOW:
During the conversation, my buddy explained how despite persuading his friend against becoming MGTOW, he was still sympathetic to his friend’s excuse for doing so. In his words “Men are disgusted with women in almost every way today and are finding happiness in just cutting them out of their lives.” He continues, “And I can’t really argue against anything they (MGTOW) say because I relate to it all myself.”
I pressed harder to ask if he could elaborate on exactly what he meant by that. “Look around you. Every girl acts like a dude and has to have more guy friends than her actual boyfriend. Relationships are no longer partnerships. They’re just mutual debauchery based on meaningless sex and fickle mind games. And in most relationships, I see the women being an overbearing * constantly humiliating their dudes.”
That her beta orbiter would say or even think such things greatly disturbed her. He is a modern Christian, and was raised in the chivalrous model (emphasis mine):
I stood in momentary silence because I was unsure of how to respond to that. I wanted to hear the uncensored truth from him because he (unlike the women hating MGTOWs, Incels, and PUAs) had never viewed women in this way before. He was brought up in one of those traditionally wholesome, family oriented, Christian household, whereby the reverence for women was ingrained in him since a young age.
His father and male relatives were his role models for they knew exactly what it meant to be a protector and a provider. Consequently, the women in their lives (like his mother and grandmother) cherished and respected their men for that. It was then that I realized we’re in a turning point of history where men no longer held a reverence for women like they did in a previous generation.
Imagine her surprise if she learned that the chivalrous model isn’t Christian at all, and is a perversion of Christianity. Imagine if she learned that in Christianity it is wives who are to submit to their husbands in fear and reverence, and not the other way around.
Cheah briefly indicts feminists on her way to concluding that the real problem is weak men screwing feminism up:
The culture establishes that the ideal woman is smarter, stronger, better than the men in every way, and you can always depend on her to swoop in and save the day. This trope is apparent in just about any family sitcom, movies, music, and the literature we consume today. Think — the bumbling fool of a dad in contrast to the highly efficient mom.
The problem when we constantly showcase women in this way is how we are presenting women as nothing but a mother figure. This is perilous because it pushes men to subconsciously embrace the role of the Puer Aeternus — the “eternal boy.” The man need not grow up because why would he? He has women to bear the burden of life for him.
Nowhere in the article does she grapple with the question of how women have responded to feminist indoctrination, or how women should go about undoing that indoctrination. The article concludes with Cheah’s beta orbiter assuring her that real men won’t become incels, MGTOW, or PUAs, and that:
“The problem isn’t women. The problem is feminism.”
*After reading the Evie about page, I would have described it as a secular Christian Cosmo. But then I saw that the creator of the magazine describes it as a conservative alternative to Cosmo. April 29, 2019 at 05:34PM
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