Replay – Bionic Commando Brian Shea Click here to watch embedded media What were you doing in 2009? If you're Capcom, you were re-imagining your classic franchises! Between Street Fighter IV's successful back-to-basics approach and Resident Evil 5's focus on cooperative shooting, Capcom was in the mood for changing things up with its long-running series. Bionic Commando wasn't as iconic as those two juggernaut series, but that didn't stop Capcom from trying to thrust it into the limelight with a dark and gritty 2009 reboot. No longer was Bionic Commando a 2D sidescroller; now the game was a 3D action game with third-person shooting, a story full of wild twists, and the biggest departure from the original game: the ability to jump. Join us as we experience the opening hour of Bionic Commando on Xbox 360 to learn why this reboot never inspired a sequel.

What were you doing in 2009? If you're Capcom, you were re-imagining your classic franchises! Between Street Fighter IV's successful back-to-basics approach and Resident Evil 5's focus on cooperative shooting, Capcom was in the mood for changing things up with its long-running series. Bionic Commando wasn't as iconic as those two juggernaut series, but that didn't stop Capcom from trying to thrust it into the limelight with a dark and gritty 2009 reboot.
No longer was Bionic Commando a 2D sidescroller; now the game was a 3D action game with third-person shooting, a story full of wild twists, and the biggest departure from the original game: the ability to jump. Join us as we experience the opening hour of Bionic Commando on Xbox 360 to learn why this reboot never inspired a sequel.
from Game Informer

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In it, the author wonders why Trump appeases [special people] who so clearly despise him and his constituency, and who tirelessly work to undermine his agenda and his presidency. The latest hate-driven operations by the Iron Cross-seeking Gaulieters Nadler and Schiff will lead to nothing substantive, but they will harass and defame the president, while robbing the republic of two more years of its life. What is it that has driven Jewish-Americans, seemingly as a whole, to hate a president who, despite their united and virulent opposition, has improved American living and economic conditions far more in two years than the Jewish-American-loved Obama-Biden regime did in eight? 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Starting with Bill Kristol’s anti-Trump obsession – yielding the destruction of his own magazine and, currently, his own hilariously self-demeaning role on CNN – leading members of the Jewish-American community in all walks of life have heaped hatred, vitriol, and lies upon Trump, his administration, and his family. Under this downpour of Jewish-American hate, Trump has conducted himself with more of the actions of a true Israel-First shill than almost any of his predecessors. The president has moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem: he has recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights; in his campaign to significantly reduce wasteful and often stupid foreign aid, he has made no mention of reducing the $38 billion in taxpayer funds that Israel is extorting from the U.S. Congress it owns; he has lavished praise on an apparently corrupt Israeli prime minister; and he has used his son-in-law to do Israel’s bidding in the farce known as the Middle East Peace Process. 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Actress Teases Existence Of Horizon Zero Dawn Sequel Imran Khan When Horizon Zero Dawn released a few years ago in 2017, the new IP from the makers of Killzone shocked and delighted players to the tune of 10 million copies. It would be absolutely no surprise to find out that the game is getting a sequel and thus it's absolutely no surprise to hear it be teased through one of the actresses involved in the first game. According to a post on Reddit, a fan at the Star Wars Celebration talked to actress Janina Gavankar, who most players might remember the protagonist of Star Wars: Battlefront II's single-player campaign. Gavankar also played the character Tatai in Horizon's Frozen Wilds DLC, which prompted the fan to thank her for getting them into the game by talking about it. “Just wait until you see the sequel,” Gavankar replied in a now removed Twitch clip. “You’re gonna die. I know some secrets. You’re gonna die.” The clip is mirrored here. Which, I mean, of course they're making a Horizon 2. I would be shocked if that game weren't greenlit before Horizon finished development, but it was definitely greenlit by the time the DLC was out. For me, the real question is where the sequel will land. With rumors of next-generation systems landing in 2020 and Horizon almost certainly not being announced and releasing this year, could it be a PlayStation 5 title? Perhaps, like The Last of Us on PlayStation 3, a game with intentions to bring forward a generation? What would you want to see from a Horizon sequel and where do you think it will land?
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