Weekend Warrior – Baba Is Winter Is Coming Nathan Anstadt In the spirit of Game of Thrones' return, winter is coming to Minnesota one last time. We will be using that as an excuse to hole up and play some games this weekend! There will be a lot of The Division 2 going on, but a smattering of other games in there for good measure. There's also going to be lots of Star Wars talk this weekend. We already got the new movie trailer, and a tease of Respawn's Fallen Order with more to come. There's a lot happening. What are you getting up to? You excited to see which of your favorite characters is going to bite the dust in Game of Thrones? You going to play cool video games and forget television exists? Let us know in the comments! Please. Andrew Reiner (@Andrew_Reiner) – Do I really need to say anything? STAR WARS! ALL. WEEKEND. LONG. Also, that Episode IX trailer is ridiculously cool. Can’t wait! Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I am still making my way through Sekiro. I’m making decent progress, but I have hit a point where I have a lot of bosses who need defeating that I have been putting off. Otherwise my parents are in town and we will probably all go see Missing Link at some point. Honestly, I think that movie looks pretty underwhelming, but I really like Laika, so I will see anything they make. Otherwise I will just be looking at the surprise snow trying to will it into not existing. We had a few days of decent weather, but Minnesota just had to get one more snowfall in before officially declaring it spring, which I find pretty rude, frankly. Jeff Cork – At first, I was a little bummed about The Division 2's seasonal shift from winter to summer. After a surprise winter storm, I'm all about it. I'm sure that a lot of Hyenas and other bad guys will break up my relaxing virtual strolls, but I can handle it. I'm also planning to dive back into Bloodborne for absolutely no reason. I beat that Father Gascoigne guy just before I stopped playing last time. Oops? Javy Gwaltney – The Criterion Channel launched this week! So I'm gonna be a big old nerd and continue to watch the Kurosawa films I haven't seen yet. Outside of that, I finally hit World Tier 5 in The Division 2, so I'm probably going to dive into my backlog this weekend and give Final Fantasy VII the old college try. Suriel Vazquez (@SurielVazquez) – I have some unfinished business with Claire and The Drifter I need to attend to, so I'll be taking care of that. Hunter Wolfe (@Hunter_Wolfe) – I'm moving to Minneapolis permanently once the internship ends, so this weekend is about furniture shopping! You think you have a hard time trying to pick what games you want to play? Ha! Try mattress shopping. In the games space, I'm going to play some more Division 2, and I'll probably play the new puzzle game, Photographs. Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – I’m spending this weekend playing MLB The Show 19 and maybe finally digging into The Division 2, Anthem, and Sekiro. Who am I kidding? Overwatch and Marvel Strike Force it is. Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend I'm going to refuse to watch old Kurosawa films with Javy, no matter how hard he begs to hang out. Other than that, I'm actually traveling so I am looking forward to starting up Phoenix Wright on my Switch. What a world. I'll most likely fall back to just playing more Downwell on my Switch though. It was so cheap and is so simple and fun. Jay Guisao (@GuisaoJason) – Big ole' Final Fantasy fiesta this weekend: VII, IX, and XIII. Then I'll probably try my hand at saving D.C. with my squad in The Division 2. Leo Vader (@LeoVader) – I'm gonna try Dangerous Driving, because I'm not about to skip a game that looks cool just because some hack games outlet (us) gave it a bad review! Also gonna keep going for that exotic sniper in The Division 2 and set aside some time to play Werewolf in Tabletop Simulator with some friends. HAGS! Nathan Anstadt (@NathanAnstadt) – This weekend I'm going to bang my head against the wall that is Baba is You. THE WALL IS STOP! http://bit.ly/2Iwrmfc

In the spirit of Game of Thrones' return, winter is coming to Minnesota one last time. We will be using that as an excuse to hole up and play some games this weekend! There will be a lot of The Division 2 going on, but a smattering of other games in there for good measure.
There's also going to be lots of Star Wars talk this weekend. We already got the new movie trailer, and a tease of Respawn's Fallen Order with more to come. There's a lot happening. What are you getting up to? You excited to see which of your favorite characters is going to bite the dust in Game of Thrones? You going to play cool video games and forget television exists? Let us know in the comments! Please.
Andrew Reiner (@Andrew_Reiner) – Do I really need to say anything? STAR WARS! ALL. WEEKEND. LONG. Also, that Episode IX trailer is ridiculously cool. Can’t wait!
Kyle Hilliard (@KyleMHilliard) – I am still making my way through Sekiro. I’m making decent progress, but I have hit a point where I have a lot of bosses who need defeating that I have been putting off. Otherwise my parents are in town and we will probably all go see Missing Link at some point. Honestly, I think that movie looks pretty underwhelming, but I really like Laika, so I will see anything they make. Otherwise I will just be looking at the surprise snow trying to will it into not existing. We had a few days of decent weather, but Minnesota just had to get one more snowfall in before officially declaring it spring, which I find pretty rude, frankly.
Jeff Cork – At first, I was a little bummed about The Division 2's seasonal shift from winter to summer. After a surprise winter storm, I'm all about it. I'm sure that a lot of Hyenas and other bad guys will break up my relaxing virtual strolls, but I can handle it. I'm also planning to dive back into Bloodborne for absolutely no reason. I beat that Father Gascoigne guy just before I stopped playing last time. Oops?
Javy Gwaltney – The Criterion Channel launched this week! So I'm gonna be a big old nerd and continue to watch the Kurosawa films I haven't seen yet. Outside of that, I finally hit World Tier 5 in The Division 2, so I'm probably going to dive into my backlog this weekend and give Final Fantasy VII the old college try.
Suriel Vazquez (@SurielVazquez) – I have some unfinished business with Claire and The Drifter I need to attend to, so I'll be taking care of that.
Hunter Wolfe (@Hunter_Wolfe) – I'm moving to Minneapolis permanently once the internship ends, so this weekend is about furniture shopping! You think you have a hard time trying to pick what games you want to play? Ha! Try mattress shopping. In the games space, I'm going to play some more Division 2, and I'll probably play the new puzzle game, Photographs.
Brian Shea (@BrianPShea) – I’m spending this weekend playing MLB The Show 19 and maybe finally digging into The Division 2, Anthem, and Sekiro. Who am I kidding? Overwatch and Marvel Strike Force it is.
Ben Hanson (@yozetty) – This weekend I'm going to refuse to watch old Kurosawa films with Javy, no matter how hard he begs to hang out. Other than that, I'm actually traveling so I am looking forward to starting up Phoenix Wright on my Switch. What a world. I'll most likely fall back to just playing more Downwell on my Switch though. It was so cheap and is so simple and fun.
Jay Guisao (@GuisaoJason) – Big ole' Final Fantasy fiesta this weekend: VII, IX, and XIII. Then I'll probably try my hand at saving D.C. with my squad in The Division 2.
Leo Vader (@LeoVader) – I'm gonna try Dangerous Driving, because I'm not about to skip a game that looks cool just because some hack games outlet (us) gave it a bad review! Also gonna keep going for that exotic sniper in The Division 2 and set aside some time to play Werewolf in Tabletop Simulator with some friends. HAGS!
Nathan Anstadt (@NathanAnstadt) – This weekend I'm going to bang my head against the wall that is Baba is You. THE WALL IS STOP!
from Game Informer http://bit.ly/2KuoQZd
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