Using my Dreadnought Wilhelm Arcturus I am not a very good capital pilot. Along the way I have managed to acquire four capital ships, a carrier, a fax, and two dreadnoughts, and I almost never use them. And the two dreads are the most embarrassing as they are fit as suicide dreads, meant for one way trips into fights to destroy hostile supers. One of them is about a year and a half old and is starting to seem like the Kamikaze pilot asking about the retirement plan. My capitals have mostly been used to move things, usually ships, to and from the various fronts. Mostly from, as I tend to fly out to a staging area, accumulate ships as we add or change doctrines, and they have to get them all home after the deployment is over. Every so often I am on at the right time, in the right place, and can get in a fleet. With dreads we often don’t even undock as the opportunity has passed, so usually it is my fax that gets to undock for a home defense operation in Delve. But on a rare occasion I get to shoot something. The last time I was able to undock a dread and actually use it was back in August at the battle around the X47 Keepstar. So I was pretty happy when a ping went out calling for dreads in Delve. Some hostile caps had dropped on a Rorqual and killed it, but they were now locked down so we were going to get to shoot something. Of course, I wasn’t ready. My capital alt had to clone jump back to Delve. Then I realized that the Naglfar dreadnought I had there wasn’t on that account, so I had to log in my main and quickly contract it to my cap pilot. And then I had to clean out the holds, just in case it got blown up, as they were still full of stuff from the big move op last October. But I still managed to get that sorted, get in fleet, get undocked, and jump to the cyno in time to actually shoot some hostiles. Sweet explosion I managed not to do anything wrong. Or not much. I think you’re supposed to come to a complete stop before you siege, but I still managed to hit three of the hostiles, and almost got top damage on one. It was an odd moment when there was one last hostile dread on grid with us, but he was over 300km off and, because we were in a mission space with acceleration gates, we couldn’t warp to him. So we just sat there for a bit while some subcaps went after him. Thwarted by game mechanics After that we warped off to the local Keepstar, because there is a Keepstar in most system in Delve these days. Warping with some Revelations From there, once jump timers ran down, we were cleared to jump back home and dock up. It was a quick op, and not particularly significant. We didn’t even save the target. But I got to shoot something with my dread, which was good enough for me.

I am not a very good capital pilot. Along the way I have managed to acquire four capital ships, a carrier, a fax, and two dreadnoughts, and I almost never use them. And the two dreads are the most embarrassing as they are fit as suicide dreads, meant for one way trips into fights to destroy hostile supers. One of them is about a year and a half old and is starting to seem like the Kamikaze pilot asking about the retirement plan.
My capitals have mostly been used to move things, usually ships, to and from the various fronts. Mostly from, as I tend to fly out to a staging area, accumulate ships as we add or change doctrines, and they have to get them all home after the deployment is over.
Every so often I am on at the right time, in the right place, and can get in a fleet. With dreads we often don’t even undock as the opportunity has passed, so usually it is my fax that gets to undock for a home defense operation in Delve. But on a rare occasion I get to shoot something. The last time I was able to undock a dread and actually use it was back in August at the battle around the X47 Keepstar.
So I was pretty happy when a ping went out calling for dreads in Delve. Some hostile caps had dropped on a Rorqual and killed it, but they were now locked down so we were going to get to shoot something.
Of course, I wasn’t ready. My capital alt had to clone jump back to Delve. Then I realized that the Naglfar dreadnought I had there wasn’t on that account, so I had to log in my main and quickly contract it to my cap pilot. And then I had to clean out the holds, just in case it got blown up, as they were still full of stuff from the big move op last October.
But I still managed to get that sorted, get in fleet, get undocked, and jump to the cyno in time to actually shoot some hostiles.
I managed not to do anything wrong. Or not much. I think you’re supposed to come to a complete stop before you siege, but I still managed to hit three of the hostiles, and almost got top damage on one.
It was an odd moment when there was one last hostile dread on grid with us, but he was over 300km off and, because we were in a mission space with acceleration gates, we couldn’t warp to him. So we just sat there for a bit while some subcaps went after him.
After that we warped off to the local Keepstar, because there is a Keepstar in most system in Delve these days.
From there, once jump timers ran down, we were cleared to jump back home and dock up.
It was a quick op, and not particularly significant. We didn’t even save the target. But I got to shoot something with my dread, which was good enough for me.
from The Ancient Gaming Noob
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