Friday, March 14.

Matrices - translation and rotation I've been playing with graphics programming for years, but to this day, I really don't understand what part of a left handed 4x4 matrix represents a rotation or a translation and how they do it. I just know you multiply matrices together to transform coordinates from one system to another. What is the connection between the vector on the left side of the equation, the matrix and each of its individual elements, and the vector on the right side of the equation? How does [x,y,z] * [x1, y1,z1, w1] [x2, y2, z2, w2] [x3, y3, z3, w3] [x4, y4, z4, w4] Make my spaceship turn and move? I just take it for granted that it does and now it's bothering me. What does y3 actually represent? what does z1 represent, etc? I've read oodles of graphics programming and linear algebra books and I still really don't understand what magic happens and how when I multiply a vector by a matrix or multiple two matrices together.

I've been playing with graphics programming for years, but to this day, I really don't understand what part of a left handed 4x4 matrix represents a rotation or a translation and how they do it. I just know you multiply matrices together to transform coordinates from one system to another. What is the connection between the vector on the left side of the equation, the matrix and each of its individual elements, and the vector on the right side of the equation? How does [x,y,z] * [x1, y1,z1, w1] [x2, y2, z2, w2] [x3, y3, z3, w3] [x4, y4, z4, w4] Make my spaceship turn and move? I just take it for granted that it does and now it's bothering me. What does y3 actually represent? what does z1 represent, etc? I've read oodles of graphics programming and linear algebra books and I still really don't understand what magic happens and how when I multiply a vector by a matrix or multiple two matrices together.


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