Wednesday, March 26.
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    ‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Roosh V. إظهار كافة الرسائل
    ‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Roosh V. إظهار كافة الرسائل

    Roosh Hour #46: E. Michael Jones Roosh In this stream, I interview E. Michael Jones about his book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and the effects Jews have had on society since rejecting Jesus Christ. I have recently started broadcasting my streams on DLive. Follow me here. Listen to the above stream in podcast format or download the MP3: Here’s a highlight from a previous stream: Subscribe to my Youtube channel or podcast RSS feed to catch future streams. You can also subscribe to the Roosh Hour Clips channel for stream highlights. Previously: Roosh Hour #45: Science God

    مايو 16, 2020 0

    In this stream, I interview E. Michael Jones about his book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and the effects Jews have had on society since...

    How Coffee & Alcohol Addictions Are Linked Roosh I’ve consumed alcohol and coffee for most of my adult life. I’ve enjoyed both, but have experienced enough negative effects from them that I’ve embarked on multiple periods of abstainment. Through those periods, I’ve learned that alcohol and coffee addictions are linked together, and if you want to quit one, it helps to first quit the other. I’m able to quit alcohol without much willpower, but coffee is far more challenging. The withdrawal effects are so severe for me that I have to plan to quit during a week when I don’t have much going on so I can nurse my headaches and fatigue without facing any important deadlines. During a period of not drinking coffee, I may still drink alcohol at night, but on the day after, I feel slightly sluggish and strongly crave coffee to pep myself up. It then becomes a matter of time until I’m back to having a daily cup of coffee, addicted like I was before. It also has worked the other way around where I tried to quit alcohol without first quitting coffee. In that case, the coffee will inevitably lead to high-strung and jittery feelings that alcohol is perfectly tailored to resolve. To lessen the coffee jitters, I may have a couple of beers in the evening. The next day, I experience a mild hangover and now crave coffee to wake up properly. The cycle continues. Modern life is set up so that you need to wake up at a predetermined time to perform cognitive work, and then when that work is finished, you must experience a feeling of relaxation in order to sleep properly for the next day’s cognitive work. So you drink coffee to perform work, sometimes multiple cups, and then drink alcohol (or smoke marijuana) to bring you back down to counter the negative effects of coffee to feel “relaxed” at night so that you can get something resembling sleep to do it all again the next day. The root cause of both coffee and alcohol addiction is therefore contorting your body to perform activities on someone else’s clock, such as that of your employer, instead of your own natural clock. My bigger weakness is coffee, so in order to successfully quit, I had to quit alcohol at the same time, which made the task far easier. You will be tempted to moderate your consumption of both, but this will fail you in the end, so you must abstain completely, and in the times you slip up, you must not consume more than one drink of either, and strongly resist the urge in the next 48 hours to consume more. While drinking alcohol or coffee in moderation is not harmful to your body, it is the gateway to physical or psychological dependency (or both). You can’t get addicted to something you never consume, and since I have proven to myself that I cannot properly control my consumption of these substances, especially coffee, the only solution for me is to abstain from both. Read Next: Moderation Is A Myth

    أبريل 13, 2020 0

    I’ve consumed alcohol and coffee for most of my adult life. I’ve enjoyed both, but have experienced enough negative effects from them that ...

    WATCH NOW: What I’ve Learned About Life (2019 Speech) Roosh In the summer of 2019, I embarked on a trip throughout the entire United States to deliver a speech in 23 American cities. In that speech, I shared 11 lessons concerning masculinity, relationships, work, human nature, grief, family, and spirituality that have revealed the truth to me upon turning 40 years of age. The lessons I’ve learned have allowed me to embrace wisdom, contentment, and faith during these difficult days of clown world. The 2 hour 27 minute speech I gave in Nashville, Tennessee on November 16, 2019 has been preserved for you to watch or listen from the comfort of your living pod in downloadable video (MP4) and podcast (MP3) formats. You can also stream it online without the need for download. The speech is yours to own, and can be accessed on unlimited devices. Watch or listen to my speech The speech video and podcast package costs only $6.99 $4.99 during launch week. After submitting your payment with a credit card, you’ll immediately have access to the speech… Click Here To Order Speech Package (Instant Stream or Download) If you attended the speech live, you were already emailed a copy of the speech (check your spam folder if you don’t see it). Head over to Roosh V Store to see all the books that I have available for sale. Contact me directly if you need help with your order. I look forward to getting back to work after finding a permanent place to live in the United States. As always, thank you for the support. Visit Roosh V Store

    يناير 03, 2020 0

    In the summer of 2019, I embarked on a trip throughout the entire United States to deliver a speech in 23 American cities. In that speech, ...

    What Happened To Me? Roosh Scooter Downey made a video that shows the changes I’ve gone through. I talk about these changes in my “What I’ve Learned About Life” speech, which I will release on Friday, January 3, 2020. It is 2 hours and 28 minutes long. Subscribe to my Youtube channel to catch future travel videos. Previously: Babylon Road #24 – Reidsville, Charlottesville, The End

    ديسمبر 27, 2019 0

    Scooter Downey made a video that shows the changes I’ve gone through. I talk about these changes in my “What I’ve Learned About Life” spee...

    Babylon Road #1: Holy Trinity Monastery, Walden Pond, Boston Roosh I’ve hit the road and begun documenting my USA trip. In this video, I share scenes from Upstate New York and Western Massachusetts leading up to Boston. Listen to it in podcast format or download the MP3: Subscribe to my Youtube channel to catch future travel videos.. Previously: Roosh Hour #38: Holy Water

    يونيو 29, 2019 0

    I’ve hit the road and begun documenting my USA trip. In this video, I share scenes from Upstate New York and Western Massachusetts leading ...

    The Goal Of Corporations Is Not To Make Money Roosh For the longest time, I believed that corporations existed simply to make money for their owners and shareholders. They are the basis of “free-market capitalism” that produces economic growth and an improved standard of living for everyone. Without them, we’d be impoverished, lacking in soul-nourishing jobs and meaningful consumer products. I no longer believe this to be the case. Corporations are actually the main vehicle that the elites use to control and enslave humanity. The world’s first corporations, the Dutch East India Company and the British East India Company, were created to establish trade with the Far East. They just wanted to make a bit of money from spices and other exotic goods, right? But look at what they accomplished: subjugation, mass killing, the enslavement of local peoples, and a persistent system of divide-and-conquer rule over many centuries. The real objective was power; money was only needed to fulfill that end. The corporations worked with the government but also separate from it to achieve its power objective in a way that was more efficient, more nimble, and less costly than if the government acted alone. The idea of using a corporation or business to fulfill non-monetary objectives is easily seen today when a man opens a nightclub. Technically, he’s in business and wants to make a profit, but his real goal is to improve his local status and increase his access to beautiful women. I’m sure you know that there are a hundred easier ways to make money than by opening a nightclub, which only stays trendy for a few years before losing popularity. Just because the man who opened the nightclub used the vehicle of a business to improve his status and sex life, it doesn’t mean the main reason of his venture is “business.” Consider that many Silicon Valley corporations haven’t made a profit, with no apparent concern of their profitability. Examples include Uber, Twitter, GoDaddy, Netflix, and for the longest time, Amazon, which didn’t turn a profit for a decade while squeezing the margins of traditional retailers. You only need to examine the goals of these corporations, which is the centralization and consolidation of previously decentralized sectors, and their eagerness to control access to public services, information, and products you consume, to know that growing their “revenue” is really a way to grow their power over you until all alternatives are crushed. Once that happens, you can then be steered and led by them in a way that shapes your thinking and behavior, which is why they got into business in the first place. I came to the conclusion that corporations had to be about human control when examining how most companies of the Fortune 500 go against basic principles of profitability and business sense to virtue signal for marginal audiences like homosexuals and transvestites that comprise only a tiny part of their business. Gilette published propaganda against their own male customers. Athletic company Nike hired a spokesperson (Colin Kaepernick) who is more known as a race complainer than an athlete. Family-friendly retail chain Target changed its policy to allow tranny men to use female bathrooms. Coffee company Starbucks is bludgeoning its mostly white customers with Black Lives Matters wokeness. The National Football League puts homosexual cheerleaders on the same field that its gladiator athletes compete on. Banks and financial service firms like Chase and Paypal shut down customers because of their personal ideas. On and on it goes of corporations that are supposed to be in the business of profit going against that profit to appease a globohomo agenda that hates heterosexuality, the family, European-derived peoples, and God. Our minds are well-tuned to deduce a working theory of how something works from observing the parts. So you may observe the current state of corporations and try to come up with a theory, but I find it’s more helpful to first come up with the theory and then see if the parts match the theory. The following is the only theory I could come up with that perfectly explains why all major world corporations are acting in the same way against their own profitability to virtue signal for globohomo: Fortune 500 corporations are controlled by the same group or entity (i.e. “spider”) that is pushing globohomo to control and enslave humanity. Revenue and profits are useful by the spider to fulfill its main objective of control (power). If you start with that theory, absolutely everything that corporations are doing today makes sense. While different corporations may not agree on every single agenda point, they do act like different organs of the same organism, operating in near lockstep to shape and control human behavior around the world. It also explains why corporations in completely different sectors, or ones that are even based in different nations, push the exact same propaganda. In fact, the above theory is so correct in my mind that the only remaining question is the identity of the spider. The spider laughs at your attempt to boycott one of its companies, because it doesn’t need your money. The point of the corporation is not to make money: it is to control you. Every dollar it makes strengthens the corporation for its main objective to render you harmless to a spider that aims for everlasting rule and power. Your puny boycotts, activism, and petitions have no effect on him (or them), because once a corporation has started to flex its muscles, it has already achieved near-monopoly status in its sector. Only when it’s in the early process of cementing its power does it seem to act like a business that cares about profit, but when it has passed that stage, and most big brands like Gilette and Google have, get ready for them to bludgeon you over the head with sodomy and other forms of degeneracy. While we can’t see the spider, we surely can feel the effects of his web, which is funneling us into accepting what amounts to a rootless, sterile, and atomized life. I wouldn’t worry about giving your money to corporations, since technically they have little use for it. What’s more important is being aware of which belief or behavior the corporation wants you to perform, or the belief or behavior that they are concealing from you, as is often the case with the censorship efforts of the media and Silicon Valley. What is the corporation nudging me to do? Eat poisoned food? See the family as archaic? Inject my child with harmful chemicals? Be distracted with hedonism or pleasure? Be obsessed with anal sex? Feed the most damaging parts of my ego? These are questions I must ask with everything I purchase and every idea I believe that is encouraged by a large corporation. Use corporate products and services to live your life in a healthy way, but if you blindly follow global corporations and see them as being moral, or in the service of social good, you will be steered into a self-destructive lifestyle that separates you from the natural order and moral living. Always remember that corporations don’t care about your money as much as they care about controlling you. Read Next: The Inversion Agenda

    مايو 27, 2019 0

    For the longest time, I believed that corporations existed simply to make money for their owners and shareholders. They are the basis of “f...

    Modern Life Is AIDS Roosh Last fall I had a bout of mild jaundice after a nasty stomach infection. My doctor wanted to first rule out viruses like hepatitis and HIV. While waiting for the lab results, I wondered about all the changes I would have to make if I did have HIV. After some thought, I realized that I wouldn’t have to make much in the way of changes, because the modern life I’m living is already sterile. Millions of people in the West are actually living as if they were already infected with the HIV virus. In a typical day, I wake up at noon, read for an hour, and stretch for ten minutes. Then I put on my clothes and walk to a French café for a masculine breakfast of black coffee and a chocolate croissant. I do a couple of hours of work and then return home to eat lunch. I catch up on the news and then venture out again to another cafe to complete my remaining work for the day. Then I may go to the grocery store or meet with friends. I return home, prepare dinner, shower, and wind down the evening on Twitter or YouTube. Having HIV would not change this routine one bit. How about if I get horny and want to have sex with a willing female? In theory, men and women would disclose their HIV status to their sex partners, but unfortunately, no one discloses their sexual diseases. The prevalence of HPV or herpes is approximately 1 in 5 individuals, but not a single girl has told me she has been diagnosed with anything, in her past or present, including even a curable disease like gonorrhea, and I’ve slept with a lot more than five girls. If I were to choose to mimic this dishonesty—which I wouldn’t—I would sleep with girls using a condom but not say I have HIV. There would be no moment that I’d be forced into honesty since relationships that begin with sex rarely reach the stage of commitment, monogamy, and family. That means I’d probably never have to tell a girl that I’m diseased. The only real change I’d have to make when it comes to sex is always having to use a condom. I don’t advise you to conceal any sexual diseases you have, but if you live in a big city and imagine getting HIV yourself, my point is that you would have to make only minor changes because modern life has already infected you with cultural HIV. This cultural virus has given us a chronic disease that damages us over the long term: we move away from family to pursue materialist “success,” we value casual sex, drugs, and alcohol, we’re disconnected from our nature and instead depend on a virtual life via digital screens to give us joy, and we maintain romantic standards so high that many people in their 30s have never been in a monogamous relationship for over a year. Getting the real biological HIV on top of this would then be a mere inconvenience on par with having a muscle sprain. Thankfully, I did not test positive for any viruses, and my jaundice cleared up, but what steps can I take to cure myself of the cultural HIV that I am infected by, one that may morph into full-blown AIDS? This virus remains all around me, and even though I’ve managed to escape its most deadly effects, I’ll still encounter people who are infected and don’t know it. Turns out that the real HIV is easier to monitor and stabilize than the cultural variant, and the best we can do is know that we are swimming in a sea of AIDS, and use that knowledge to make better decisions that choose real life over the virtual, family over novelty, love over pleasure, and God over the glorification of ourselves. Read Next: The Barbarians Will Solve Your Sterile Existence

    مايو 20, 2019 0

    Last fall I had a bout of mild jaundice after a nasty stomach infection. My doctor wanted to first rule out viruses like hepatitis and HIV....

    Roosh Hour #38: Holy Water Roosh In this stream, I talk about spiritual warfare, the Polish tradition of beating the Jew over Easter, selfie deaths, the latest round of censorship, my potential run for President of the United States, and much more. Listen to it in podcast format or download the MP3: Here’s a highlight from a previous stream: Subscribe to my Youtube channel or podcast RSS feed to catch future streams. You can also subscribe to the Roosh Hour Clips channel for stream highlights. Previously: Roosh Hour #37: Interview With E. Michael Jones

    مايو 19, 2019 0

    In this stream, I talk about spiritual warfare, the Polish tradition of beating the Jew over Easter, selfie deaths, the latest round of cen...

    Twitter Suspended Me For 7 Days Because I Used The Phrase “Tranny Freak” Roosh Twitter has banned my account for 7 days because I called a tranny a “freak.” Here is the video that accompanied my tweet. Objectively speaking, you can clearly see that the thing doing a strip tease on the mayor of Toronto is indeed a freak. I did not utter a lie. In case you haven't seen the video, here is @JohnTory's rowdy time at a Mother's Day Drag Brunch. #woke — Cosmin Dzsurdzsa (@cosminDZS) May 13, 2019 In the article “I Was Fooled By The Promise Of The Internet,” I explain how Silicon Valley companies like Twitter trick you into making their platforms a part of your daily routine only to censor you in the end. On and on the same story goes: companies seduced me with the promise that I could amplify my voice and connect others to my work, only to silence my voice and disconnect me from an internet that has become integral for not only keeping in touch with others, but also earning a living. I traded a corporate job, one where I could be fired for any reason, to get banned by tech companies for no reason. What a great deal I made! In addition to this blog, you can find me on Telegram, Gab, and YouTube. I also strongly recommend you subscribe to my weekly newsletter below… I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the bans are coming in fast and furious after I announced my USA tour. I expect much more action against me in the upcoming weeks. Don’t Miss: USA Tour 2019: I’m Touring 23 American Cities Starting In June

    مايو 19, 2019 0

    Twitter has banned my account for 7 days because I called a tranny a “freak.” Here is the video that accompanied my tweet. Objectively sp...

    7 Things I Learned About Serbian Women Roosh Towards the end of 2018, after a continuous two-year stint in Poland, I spent nearly three months in the Serbian city of Novi Sad. I went to Serbia not necessarily because I heard it was amazing, but to reduce the regret I may feel later for not visiting a country that I heard has traditional women. Here are seven observations I made about Serbian women during my time there… 1. Serbian women are attractive Serbian girls are mostly thin with handsome, olive-shaped faces. While you will not be wowed by most Serbian girls, you will also not be disappointed. Their bodies are lacking in curves and take on more of a swimmer’s shape of strong shoulders and narrow waist. Men who like butts will not at all be happy with their flat rear-ends. In spite of that flaw, their appearance is pleasant, and thanks to their higher levels of melanin, they age quite well. It was rare to see a 50-year-old Serbian woman in the shape of a rectangular box like you consistently see in Poland and Ukraine. 2. They possess average femininity They are far less feminine than Ukrainian girls and slightly less feminine than Polish girls. Serbian girls have a sporty personality—they enjoy physical activity, comfortable clothing, and gym wear. Yoga pants and tennis shoes are so common that many Serbian girls appear to be eternally on the way to the gym. Such a constant sporty style in Ukraine would mean the girl is a lesbian, but in Serbia it’s the norm. Many Western men told me that Serbian girls are feminine, but I did not strongly perceive that, though they are far more feminine than American girls. Serbian girls are not vulgar, and are rather pleasant, but my particular masculine essence did not feel drawn to them. The most feminine girl I met during my stay was actually Ukrainian. 3. They smoke a lot of cigarettes Around 50% of Serbian women smoke, which is enabled by permissive indoor-smoking laws. I can’t think of a habit that is more odorous than smoking, so this did discourage me from seeing Serbian women as long-term potential. 4. They are initially very curious about foreigners Most girls were eager to talk to me. They seemed genuinely excited that I was an American and would give me wide-eyed looks that suggested strong emotional attraction, but that fell apart when things moved to the phone because Serbian girls pick their men based on logic instead of emotion. They evaluate you based on dozens of factors that have little to do with their excited initial response. One possible solution to this problem for a fornicator is to go for the one-night stand, but that’s impractical in most cases because nightlife is structured around social groups camped out near isolated tables. Besides, if I wanted one-night stands, I would have stayed in Poland. I had hoped Serbia would give me something deeper when it came to relationships, but I realized it would take too much time, and I’m too burned-out from women to have the patience. There are two options that foreign men have: go to Belgrade for the sluttiest Serbian girls, who are completely Westernized and are passed around among foreign men, or stick around for many months and be selected in a logical manner by a nice girl who wants you to be her boyfriend because of the value you have outside of your game or look. 5. They are very schizophrenic when it comes to intimacy One minute, a Serbian girl can be the most passionate in the world, biting your tongue off and thrusting her hip into you. The next minute, she goes completely cold and wants to leave. When it comes to sex, a Serbian girl’s mind needs far more time to want it than her body. She needs to know—and not just feel—that you are a good choice for intimacy, but this takes time, which means you will encounter more resistance to casual sex than elsewhere. If I was still fornicating, this would be frustrating, and I would attack Serbian women with all manner of insults, but I was pleased that there are women in the world who respected their body and put a strong barrier to sex. That said, you will still find many women in the clubs who don’t mind fornication, especially with a foreign man who won’t expose her as a slut to the local community. 6. They don’t care about money Compared to an average Serbian man, I am considered “wealthy” just for being from America. I don’t mind a girl who sees that as a positive, but Serbian girls do not care that you have a nice apartment in the middle of town or that you can buy as many coffees and chocolate croissants as you want. In fact, a “rich” foreigner is lower on their scale than an average Serbian man. They are simply not drawn to money, and I really wish they were because it would have made my life a lot easier. Consider the situation with Ukrainian girls, who analyze every fiber of your outfit and the square footage of your apartment to calculate your long-term potential. In this respect, Serbian girls are similar to Polish girls by offering to pay on dates with no seeming interest in your wallet. If you think you’re going to Serbia to show off your wealth and get the best girls, you are sorely mistaken. They value your social status far more. 7. They prefer Serbian men Serbian women want a handsome Serbian man to take home to mom and dad and show off to their friends. Dating a foreign man who is disconnected from their culture is actually a display of no value or lower value for the other girls in her social group. Therefore, if you encounter a Serbian girl who doesn’t like Serbian men, something is very wrong with her. She rejects her country, her traditions, her homeland, her men, and probably her Orthodox Christian faith, meaning she is almost certainly a slut who you will bang quickly. In Poland and Ukraine, it’s exceedingly common for women to complain about their men before banging you, but in Serbia I heard so few complaints that I couldn’t help but conclude that they saw me as having far less value than an average Serbian man. The one foreign man I know who did the best in Serbia not so coincidentally has Serbian ancestry. Conclusion Serbia is one of the most traditional countries I’ve been to, with strong family bonds and no cultural promotion of homosexuality. It may be the healthiest place I’ve stepped foot in when it comes to having a family, but connecting with women takes time. While they do loosen up at night, your best bet on a short trip if you want to fornicate is to find a slut and have fun with her, but that cancels out the positive traditional aspect you may want to experience like with me. The only solution I see is to stay for a while and develop genuine social bonds with the locals, because the best way to meet a “good” Serbian girl is to get introduced to her instead of picking her up, especially one in her early 20s who is not in any race to get married. If I wanted to do things properly in Serbia, and get the best I could based on my far more limited energy compared to my youth, I would have to commit to living there for 6-12 months, make a lot of friends, and essentially “become” Serbian. Otherwise, I’d only get the sluts, which are far more readily available in other Eastern European countries. Read Next: Countries Have Become Like Coworking Spaces

    مايو 15, 2019 0

    Towards the end of 2018, after a continuous two-year stint in Poland, I spent nearly three months in the Serbian city of Novi Sad. I went t...

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