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    ‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Roosh V. إظهار كافة الرسائل
    ‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Roosh V. إظهار كافة الرسائل

    37 Articles I Strongly Recommend Roosh 1. Women’s voices are measurably deeper than in the past [Link] 2. “Muscular Christianity was a movement characterised by a belief in patriotic duty, manliness, the moral and physical beauty of athleticism, teamwork, discipline, self-sacrifice, and ‘the expulsion of all that is effeminate, un-English, and excessively intellectual.'”[Link] 3. Satanic cult awareness training guide [Link] 4. The story of the British historian who was deplatformed for questioning the Holocaust narrative [Link] 5. Using metadata to find Paul Revere [Link] 6. The criminalization of masculinity [Link] 7. How corporations banded together to push homosexual marriage [Link] 8. “We’re getting close to the end [of the United States empire] now. Can you feel it?” [Link] 9. How the airline reservation system is used by the US Government to conduct illegal searches [Link] 10. Jews control admissions into top American universities [Link] 11. “Passivism is a command to ignore and avoid the official political system, on the grounds that the official political system is a screwed-up, dysfunctional, evil and corrupting mess.” [Link] 12. The proven dangers of microwave ovens [Link] 13. Five best home-defense tactical shotguns [Link] 14. “Zersetzung (German for ‘decomposition’) is a psychological warfare technique used by the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) to repress political opponents in East Germany during the 1970s and 1980s.” [Link] 15. I was the mob until the mob came for me [Link] 16. A dubious sexual harassment allegation against an overextended Washington D.C. restauranteur pushed him into ruin [Link] 17. The internet was originally intended as a spying network [Link] 18. Google’s true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance [Link] 19. American conservatives can’t stop elevating vapid women among its ranks [Link] 20. How the FBI tried to encourage Martin Luther King Jr. to kill himself [Link] 21. How fake news successfully encouraged a mentally unstable entrepreneur to kill himself [Link] 22. The elites are getting ready to replace humans with robots [Link] 23. Amazon has become out of control in its quest for retail domination [Link] 24. Major Western cities are becoming uninhabitable hellholes [Link] 25. America is suffering through technological decline [Link] 26. The secret to a happy marriage [Link] 27. Bryan Singer molested boys for years while working as a famed Hollywood director [Link] 28. The rise of tattoos [Link] 29. Meet Pierre Omidyar, the new George Soros [Link] 30. Learning from the Spanish Civil War [Link] 31. Historical account of what led to the victory of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil [Link] 32. The friendship that made Google huge [Link] 33. Islam in the United States is being corrupted into adopting progressivism [Link] 34. Female empowerment is working so well to sterilize the world that some experts expect a massive population crash [Link] 35. Putting a cell phone to your head for thirty minutes has the same effect as ingesting half a cup of coffee [Link] 36. People inadvertently become red-pilled on mass shootings and Jewish influence while working as Facebook moderators [Link] 37. Proposal to adopt homosexual marriage in the United Methodist church is defeated by the African delegation. Sermon by Liberian minister rejects globohomo evil. [Link] Read Next: 25 More Articles I Strongly Recommend https://ift.tt/2VbqY9c

    أبريل 01, 2019 0

    1. Women’s voices are measurably deeper than in the past [ Link ] 2. “Muscular Christianity was a movement characterised by a belief in pa...

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