• Breaking News

    Apex Legends Details Priorities Moving Forward Daniel Tack Hot out the gates as a live service battle royale game, Apex Legends has addressed some priorities moving forward and its approach to how it handles being a live game. A post today has all the details, but one of the most significant is that season launches launch with a new character, new battlepass, and metagame shifts, followed up by meaningful balance updates. EA Play in June features updates on what to expect from Season 2, including a new weapon and changes to King's Canyon. Check out our review for Apex Legends here!   http://bit.ly/2UF4OLx

    Hot out the gates as a live service battle royale game, Apex Legends has addressed some priorities moving forward and its approach to how it handles being a live game.

    A post today has all the details, but one of the most significant is that season launches launch with a new character, new battlepass, and metagame shifts, followed up by meaningful balance updates.

    EA Play in June features updates on what to expect from Season 2, including a new weapon and changes to King's Canyon.

    Check out our review for Apex Legends here!


    from Game Informer News http://bit.ly/2XKfY3z

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