• Breaking News

    Free Unity Plugin Graphy 1.5.1 Released Graphy, a free plugin described as the "ultimate, easy to use, feature packed stats monitor and debugger for your project", has released a new 1.5.1 version now with a feature to hide Graphy from the Game view when disabled. Features include: FPS Memory Audio Advanced device information Debugging tools Graphy is also available as open source on Github: http://bit.ly/2UIqPcG. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Graphy, a free plugin described as the "ultimate, easy to use, feature packed stats monitor and debugger for your project", has released a new 1.5.1 version now with a feature to hide Graphy from the Game view when disabled. Features include: FPS Memory Audio Advanced device information Debugging tools Graphy is also available as open source on Github: http://bit.ly/2UIqPcG.

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2IFjHMi

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