Graphics Programming weekly - Issue 80 — April 14, 2019 Debugging VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST with Nvidia Device Diagnostics vulkan extension that allows progress markers to be inserted into the Vulkan command stream these can be used to detect the range of draw commands that have caused a GPU device error a short overview of how it is used in X-Plane wayback-archive GPU Architectures a brief overview of the rasterization process look at the logical rendering pipeline model presents the different components that are used to implement pipeline in hardware implementation details about the different stages RTG free on Kindle; consider Google Play for books Ray Tracing Gems is now also available as a free Kindle version wayback-archive Observations about the rendering of Metro: Exodus presents an overview of the general flow of a frame of the game a more detailed look at the acceleration structures used for the raytraced GI implementation wayback-archive More observations in Metro: Exodus looks at the composition of transparent objects, lens flares and at terrain tessellation presents more images from the acceleration structures and problems discovered with it wayback-archive DirectX-Specs Microsoft released the engineering specification for Direct3D 11 and 12 including DXR wayback-archive GDC19 show guide from NVIDIA all GDC content from Nvidia is now available for download (free login required) wayback-archive AMD GCN ISA: a first dive shows which tools are available to look at the shader disassembly for AMD GPUs presents the instructions generated for a simple shader and overview of some of the instructions used shows the effect of code changes to the code generation wayback-archive high-quality object-space dynamic ambient occlusion for characters preprint of I3D paper that will be presented in May AO calculations are split into large-scale interactions based on sphere approximations finer details are created using linear interpolation from key points on the spheres both components are trained against ground truth data paper archive wayback-archive [pdf] - nvidia vulkan update - GTC 2019 overview of the latest extensions added to Vulkan on Nvidia GPUs mesh shader motivation, execution model and how to use them barycentric coordinates extension subgroup overview and tensor core access texture space shading derivatives in compute shaders wayback-archive A tour of Granite’s Vulkan backend – Part 1 discusses the authors’ thoughts about abstraction levels in graphics APIs presents the motivation for the design of the granite engine API wayback-archive Thanks to Cort Stratton for support of this series. Would you like to see your name here too? Become a Patreon of this series. Read more
Debugging VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST with Nvidia Device Diagnostics vulkan extension that allows progress markers to be inserted into the Vulkan command stream these can be used to detect the range of draw commands that have caused a GPU device error a short overview of how it is used in X-Plane wayback-archive GPU Architectures a brief overview of the rasterization process look at the logical rendering pipeline model presents the different components that are used to implement pipeline in hardware implementation details about the different stages RTG free on Kindle; consider Google Play for books Ray Tracing Gems is now also available as a free Kindle version wayback-archive Observations about the rendering of Metro: Exodus presents an overview of the general flow of a frame of the game a more detailed look at the acceleration structures used for the raytraced GI implementation wayback-archive More observations in Metro: Exodus looks at the composition of transparent objects, lens flares and at terrain tessellation presents more images from the acceleration structures and problems discovered with it wayback-archive DirectX-Specs Microsoft released the engineering specification for Direct3D 11 and 12 including DXR wayback-archive GDC19 show guide from NVIDIA all GDC content from Nvidia is now available for download (free login required) wayback-archive AMD GCN ISA: a first dive shows which tools are available to look at the shader disassembly for AMD GPUs presents the instructions generated for a simple shader and overview of some of the instructions used shows the effect of code changes to the code generation wayback-archive high-quality object-space dynamic ambient occlusion for characters preprint of I3D paper that will be presented in May AO calculations are split into large-scale interactions based on sphere approximations finer details are created using linear interpolation from key points on the spheres both components are trained against ground truth data paper archive wayback-archive [pdf] - nvidia vulkan update - GTC 2019 overview of the latest extensions added to Vulkan on Nvidia GPUs mesh shader motivation, execution model and how to use them barycentric coordinates extension subgroup overview and tensor core access texture space shading derivatives in compute shaders wayback-archive A tour of Granite’s Vulkan backend – Part 1 discusses the authors’ thoughts about abstraction levels in graphics APIs presents the motivation for the design of the granite engine API wayback-archive Thanks to Cort Stratton for support of this series. Would you like to see your name here too? Become a Patreon of this series. Read more
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