Tuesday, March 18.
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    Mortal Kombat 11 farming – how to farm hearts, koins, and soul fragments

    Mortal Kombat 11 is a game that has one major flaw at the time of writing. Unlocking stuff in the Krypt is going to take aeons. There are three resources that you can obtain, but there’s no easy way to get them all quickly. There are ways to mitigate this rather time-consuming process and we will be going over them.

    [cms-block] You can also take a look at our [cms-block] guide for all of the Shao Kahn heart chest locations to spend your hard-earned hearts.


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity http://bit.ly/2IMwVHf
    Dave Irwin

    Mortal Kombat 11 is a game that has one major flaw at the time of writing. Unlocking stuff in the Krypt is going to take aeons. There are three resources that you can obtain, but there’s no easy way to get them all quickly. There are ways to mitigate this rather time-consuming process and we will be going over them.

    [cms-block] You can also take a look at our [cms-block] guide for all of the Shao Kahn heart chest locations to spend your hard-earned hearts.


    http://bit.ly/2DPd8TB April 29, 2019 at 06:20PM

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