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    Starlink: Battle For Atlas makes a surprise landing on PC next week

    Starlink: Battle For Atlas, Ubisoft’s collectable toys-to-games platform launches on PC on Tuesday, April 30th, minus the toys part. It seems that the plastic, while nice to look at, just wasn’t selling so well, but Ubisoft don’t leave games behind these days. The PC launch coincides with a soft re-launch for the game on consoles, too, and a free, digital-only expansion called Crimson Moon. Having played a bit of the Switch version, I’m happy to see it making the leap, and abandoning the plastic. While not great, it’s not a bad introduction to planet-hopping, space-dogfighting adventure, especially for the younger crowd.


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity http://bit.ly/2W3q3s0
    Dominic Tarason

    Starlink: Battle For Atlas, Ubisoft’s collectable toys-to-games platform launches on PC on Tuesday, April 30th, minus the toys part. It seems that the plastic, while nice to look at, just wasn’t selling so well, but Ubisoft don’t leave games behind these days. The PC launch coincides with a soft re-launch for the game on consoles, too, and a free, digital-only expansion called Crimson Moon. Having played a bit of the Switch version, I’m happy to see it making the leap, and abandoning the plastic. While not great, it’s not a bad introduction to planet-hopping, space-dogfighting adventure, especially for the younger crowd.


    http://bit.ly/2UyrxsJ April 24, 2019 at 11:23PM

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