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    3rd Person Collision Hello. Basically I ran into an issue where I have a ball a certain distance in front of a FPS movable camera, basically 3rd person. If the ball hits a wall, it detects the collision, but rather than enacting the collision response, it ends up going through it! Mainly because the object wants to continue being that distance in front of the camera. And my collision code is so precise that no matter how fast the object goes, itll hit the wall no matter what, which is strange. However, if I just let the ball freely move and hit the wall, the ball collides and does the collision response as it should. I tried looking up 3rd person collisions on Google, but all the articles unfortunately were involving the camera, not the object in front of the camera. Basically the effect Im looking for is if the object in front of you hits the wall, then not only should the object stop and sweep along it, but the camera as well. What can I do to achieve this? Thanks. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Hello. Basically I ran into an issue where I have a ball a certain distance in front of a FPS movable camera, basically 3rd person. If the ball hits a wall, it detects the collision, but rather than enacting the collision response, it ends up going through it! Mainly because the object wants to continue being that distance in front of the camera. And my collision code is so precise that no matter how fast the object goes, itll hit the wall no matter what, which is strange. However, if I just let the ball freely move and hit the wall, the ball collides and does the collision response as it should. I tried looking up 3rd person collisions on Google, but all the articles unfortunately were involving the camera, not the object in front of the camera. Basically the effect Im looking for is if the object in front of you hits the wall, then not only should the object stop and sweep along it, but the camera as well. What can I do to achieve this? Thanks.

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2E81dAf

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