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    Academic Survey about Data Analysis Greetings, I'm a college student from Multimedia Nusantara University of Indonesia. I'd like to conduct a survey regarding use of Business Intelligence in game industry to the game developers of this forum. The questionnaire are mostly regarding common knowledge and opinions, I'll try to avoid any confidential and sensitive topics if possible. The questionnaire isn't ready yet, but before that, may I ask where should I post this survey when it's ready? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Greetings, I'm a college student from Multimedia Nusantara University of Indonesia. I'd like to conduct a survey regarding use of Business Intelligence in game industry to the game developers of this forum. The questionnaire are mostly regarding common knowledge and opinions, I'll try to avoid any confidential and sensitive topics if possible. The questionnaire isn't ready yet, but before that, may I ask where should I post this survey when it's ready?

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2JlTT7n

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