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    Blender: How To Start With 3D Modeling? Hello! I was trying the past 2 days to learn blender, mostly character 3D modeling but it seems so messed up! I tried free tutorials on the internet (mostly on youtube) but they seem incomplete and I believe this is the reason I can not understand what is going on. I found this tutorial on Udemy which seems really good but before I purchase it I thought of posting here for some advice. So is there anything else, like a resource or something which I can use to learn 3D modeling with blender? Thanks. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Hello! I was trying the past 2 days to learn blender, mostly character 3D modeling but it seems so messed up! I tried free tutorials on the internet (mostly on youtube) but they seem incomplete and I believe this is the reason I can not understand what is going on. I found this tutorial on Udemy which seems really good but before I purchase it I thought of posting here for some advice. So is there anything else, like a resource or something which I can use to learn 3D modeling with blender? Thanks.

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2HYO51l

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