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    Blending two animations I have implemented basic animation into my engine and now I would like to blend two animations together. The way I have it set up is there are AnimtionClip This is a serialized data containing its skeleton and bone information AnimationInstance Keeps track of how long it has been running, and the final transforms of the animation clip. Along with if it was active and if it is looping AnimationController Has an array of AnimationInstance's Assuming that I wanted to blend two animations that had the same skeleton, I am not sure how I would. My first naive attempt was to take two AnimationInstance's and multiple their final transforms together. This didn't get quite what I was looking for, as they would blend but the character would double in size. Am I only supposed to multiple certain parts of the final transforms together? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    I have implemented basic animation into my engine and now I would like to blend two animations together. The way I have it set up is there are AnimtionClip This is a serialized data containing its skeleton and bone information AnimationInstance Keeps track of how long it has been running, and the final transforms of the animation clip. Along with if it was active and if it is looping AnimationController Has an array of AnimationInstance's Assuming that I wanted to blend two animations that had the same skeleton, I am not sure how I would. My first naive attempt was to take two AnimationInstance's and multiple their final transforms together. This didn't get quite what I was looking for, as they would blend but the character would double in size. Am I only supposed to multiple certain parts of the final transforms together?

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2JGKbh2

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