Dive into the depths of Koral on May 16
There are few more enticing video game settings than crystal clear underwater glades, and Koral, an explore-o-puzzle game launching next week has them in spades. It’s got sort of an Abzu meets Ori And The Blind Forest look, by which I obviously mean, ahhhh, it’s all colourful and gorgeous and there are fish friends. Come and dip your toes in the trailer yourself.
from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity http://bit.ly/2Vvx20x
Jay Castello
There are few more enticing video game settings than crystal clear underwater glades, and Koral, an explore-o-puzzle game launching next week has them in spades. It’s got sort of an Abzu meets Ori And The Blind Forest look, by which I obviously mean, ahhhh, it’s all colourful and gorgeous and there are fish friends. Come and dip your toes in the trailer yourself.
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