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    Dynamic resource view equivalent in OpenGL/DX11 Hello everyone here in GameDev forums, It's my first post and I'm very happy to participate in the discussion here, thanks for everyone! My question is, is there any workaround that we could implement something in DX11 that similar to the DX12's CBV with the offset, and/or something in OpenGL similar to the dynamic UBO descriptor in Vulkan? My initial purpose is about to achieve a unified per-object resource updating design across different APIs in my engine. I've gathered all the per-object resource updating to a few of coherent memory write operations in DX12 and Vulkan rendering backends, and later record all the descriptor binding commands with the per-object offset. DX12 example code: WriteMemoryFromCPUSide(); for(auto object : objects) { offset = object->offset; commandListPtr->SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(startSlot, constantBufferPtr->GetGPUVirtualAddress() + offset * elementSize); // record drawcall } Vulkan example code: WriteMemoryFromCPUSide(); for(auto object : objects) { offset = object->offset; vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(commandBufferPtr, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipelineLayoutPtr, firstSet, setCount, descriptorSetPtr, dynamicOffsetCount, offset); // record drawcall } I have an idea to record the per-object offset as the index/UUID, then use explicit UBO/SSBO array in OpenGL and StructuredBuffer in DX11, but still, I need to submit the index to GPU memory at a certain moment. Hope everyone has a good day! https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Hello everyone here in GameDev forums, It's my first post and I'm very happy to participate in the discussion here, thanks for everyone! My question is, is there any workaround that we could implement something in DX11 that similar to the DX12's CBV with the offset, and/or something in OpenGL similar to the dynamic UBO descriptor in Vulkan? My initial purpose is about to achieve a unified per-object resource updating design across different APIs in my engine. I've gathered all the per-object resource updating to a few of coherent memory write operations in DX12 and Vulkan rendering backends, and later record all the descriptor binding commands with the per-object offset. DX12 example code: WriteMemoryFromCPUSide(); for(auto object : objects) { offset = object->offset; commandListPtr->SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView(startSlot, constantBufferPtr->GetGPUVirtualAddress() + offset * elementSize); // record drawcall } Vulkan example code: WriteMemoryFromCPUSide(); for(auto object : objects) { offset = object->offset; vkCmdBindDescriptorSets(commandBufferPtr, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pipelineLayoutPtr, firstSet, setCount, descriptorSetPtr, dynamicOffsetCount, offset); // record drawcall } I have an idea to record the per-object offset as the index/UUID, then use explicit UBO/SSBO array in OpenGL and StructuredBuffer in DX11, but still, I need to submit the index to GPU memory at a certain moment. Hope everyone has a good day!

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2E3gFNX

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