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    Engines/Tools that can output to both WebGL and iOS Native I've been working on HTML5 2D casual games (currently using pixi.js) for a few years, with some ending up both available from web pages and via web views embedded in third party apps. This has been fine until this week, when a new requirement was added by one of the third parties (based on feedback from Apple, apparently) : The games can't be wrapped HTML5 games now. I've been investigating tools and frameworks that would let me do this without having to write separate native versions for iOS. So far I've looked into: Unity - seems the best toolset, if potentially overkill for 2D, but the mobile WebGL support seems lacking. Unreal - documentation suggests a similar issue to Unity with the support for mobile browsers Cocos2d - It doesn't look like the current version of cocos2d-x is Emscripten compatible, and while Creator looks good, it looks like it's probably outputting a wrapped WebView as the native build, based on the docs? SDL - looks like the best option for doing what I want, but looks much lower level, and would likely require a framework building on top of it? Are there any other tools/libraries I've missed that can output both mobile browser compatible WebGL and native iOS builds (and don't use WebView to render the game)? Or do I need to just bite the bullet and learn iOS native development in addition to the existing HTML5? It'd also be awesome if it had built in support for Spine animations, but at this point just something that actually fits the basic requirements would be a good start! https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    I've been working on HTML5 2D casual games (currently using pixi.js) for a few years, with some ending up both available from web pages and via web views embedded in third party apps. This has been fine until this week, when a new requirement was added by one of the third parties (based on feedback from Apple, apparently) : The games can't be wrapped HTML5 games now. I've been investigating tools and frameworks that would let me do this without having to write separate native versions for iOS. So far I've looked into: Unity - seems the best toolset, if potentially overkill for 2D, but the mobile WebGL support seems lacking. Unreal - documentation suggests a similar issue to Unity with the support for mobile browsers Cocos2d - It doesn't look like the current version of cocos2d-x is Emscripten compatible, and while Creator looks good, it looks like it's probably outputting a wrapped WebView as the native build, based on the docs? SDL - looks like the best option for doing what I want, but looks much lower level, and would likely require a framework building on top of it? Are there any other tools/libraries I've missed that can output both mobile browser compatible WebGL and native iOS builds (and don't use WebView to render the game)? Or do I need to just bite the bullet and learn iOS native development in addition to the existing HTML5? It'd also be awesome if it had built in support for Spine animations, but at this point just something that actually fits the basic requirements would be a good start!

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2vMOnTx

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