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    Game Of Thrones: What Does Dracarys Mean When Missandei Says It? (Season 8) Jess McDonell Game of Thrones: Episode 4 has just aired, and after tensions ran high (both political and bedroom related), we're fast approaching the penultimate moment in the battle for the Iron Throne. Warning: Spoilers for Game of Thrones: Episode 4 below. In the final moments of Episode 4, Missandei is precariously stood beside Cersei having been taken prisoner. Dany watches on as Tyrion attempts to negotiate for her life and Cersei's surrender. Unfortunately, his diplomacy fails and Cersei turns to Missandei and tells her to share any final words. Missandei looks to her queen below and declares "dracarys". The word translates to "Dragonfire" in High Valyrian; it is the same word Dany uses to signal her dragon to fire upon her enemies. In this case, the word is a final utterance of allegiance and support to her queen, knowing full well it will be her last. It's not a far stretch to assume Missandei's last word may also be a call for Dany to destroy Cersei in the same way as she has the rest of her enemies. The word also has some significance to the relationship between Missandei and Dany. The two first met when Missandei was still a slave who served as an interpreter to slave-trader Kraznys mo Nakloz of Astapor. Dany ultimately frees Missandei by ordering the enslaved Unsullied to turn on the slave-traders of Astapor. In the fray of the uprising, Dany turns to Kraznys and calmly says "dracarys". Upon hearing the instruction, her dragon Drogon breathes a ball of fire onto the slave-trader and reduces him to ashes. Missandei's choice of her final word is almost certainly a callback to this moment and Dany's impact on her life. Or, you know, take it from the woman herself. After the episode aired, Nathalie Emmanuel, who portrays Missandei, tweeted, "Dracarys." She followed this up with her own personal translation, "Burn the bish." “Dracarys” — Nathalie Emmanuel (@missnemmanuel) May 6, 2019 Aka “Burn the bish” 😂🤣 — Nathalie Emmanuel (@missnemmanuel) May 6, 2019 Take a look at the preview trailer for next week's episode here. http://bit.ly/2J1QOdg

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