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    Get unlost in Sumatra: Fate Of Yandi

    Think you’ve had a rough week at work? Spare a thought for the protagonist of recently released point and click game Sumatra: Fate Of Yandi. You wouldn’t want to be in a game where the title ominously promises to spell out your fate, particularly if it’s premised on being swept away by a landslide and needing to find your way back home through a jungle with little but your wits and whatever you can find around you. Here’s a trailer, showing off the lovely if inhospitable scenery of the area.


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity http://bit.ly/2QcNCw8
    Jay Castello

    Think you’ve had a rough week at work? Spare a thought for the protagonist of recently released point and click game Sumatra: Fate Of Yandi. You wouldn’t want to be in a game where the title ominously promises to spell out your fate, particularly if it’s premised on being swept away by a landslide and needing to find your way back home through a jungle with little but your wits and whatever you can find around you. Here’s a trailer, showing off the lovely if inhospitable scenery of the area.


    http://bit.ly/2EiR1Fk May 19, 2019 at 08:00PM

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