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    How to create IDxcBlob ? Silly question - how to create IDxcBlob ? I have result from IDxcCompiler loaded from disk (say std::vector) - how can I create IDxcBlob from it to for example explore content of those data using IDxcContainerReflection (IDxcContainerReflection::Load accepts only IDxcBlob) https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Silly question - how to create IDxcBlob ? I have result from IDxcCompiler loaded from disk (say std::vector<uint8>) - how can I create IDxcBlob from it to for example explore content of those data using IDxcContainerReflection (IDxcContainerReflection::Load accepts only IDxcBlob)

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2VOaB22

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