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    Looking for gamedevs of all skillsets! Hello everybody, I'm a solo developer / writer /designer currently working on a story-based RPG set in the modern era. I'm at the concept stage of game and also just looking for anybody who would be interested in helping me out! Any and all aid will be greatly appreciated. Please message me or add me on discord (Merlin#2647) if interested, thanks! https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Hello everybody, I'm a solo developer / writer /designer currently working on a story-based RPG set in the modern era. I'm at the concept stage of game and also just looking for anybody who would be interested in helping me out! Any and all aid will be greatly appreciated. Please message me or add me on discord (Merlin#2647) if interested, thanks!

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2X00FDK

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