Mortal Kombat 11 spills slicker blood with official 60fps support
Whether it was purely stylistic or intended to make the game behave better on older consoles, a lot of people found Mortal Kombat 11‘s halved framerate during cinematic attacks distracting. Previously only available via mods, today NetherRealm Studios patched in an official set of 60fps options today for menus, cinematics (including fatalities) and the Krypt. They do warn that the Krypt toggle is only for truly high-end PCs. Below, for illustration’s sake, a comparison video letting you see the two framerates side by side, albeit captured using the unofficial 60fps mod.
from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity
Dominic Tarason
Whether it was purely stylistic or intended to make the game behave better on older consoles, a lot of people found Mortal Kombat 11‘s halved framerate during cinematic attacks distracting. Previously only available via mods, today NetherRealm Studios patched in an official set of 60fps options today for menus, cinematics (including fatalities) and the Krypt. They do warn that the Krypt toggle is only for truly high-end PCs. Below, for illustration’s sake, a comparison video letting you see the two framerates side by side, albeit captured using the unofficial 60fps mod. May 24, 2019 at 11:11PM
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