• Breaking News

    NeoAxis Engine 2019.2 Released NeoAxis Group releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine is an integrated development environment with built-in 3D game engine. The environment can be used to develop all kinds of 3D projects such as computer games, visual trainers, VR systems, to visualize processes and develop windowed applications. Check out the full announcement at http://bit.ly/2VMCkEW. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    NeoAxis Group releases a new version of NeoAxis Engine is an integrated development environment with built-in 3D game engine. The environment can be used to develop all kinds of 3D projects such as computer games, visual trainers, VR systems, to visualize processes and develop windowed applications. Check out the full announcement at http://bit.ly/2VMCkEW.

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2Hy7rKG

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