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    Send lonely messages to other players in upcoming The Things We Lost In The Flood

    “On August 10th 1993 a tap started running somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean and it never really stopped,” says the elevator pitch* for The Things We Lost In The Flood. “The bottles came not long after.” From this premise you create a boat, the only way to navigate this watery world, and set off among roofs and pylon tips, finding messages from other players (but not the players themselves, it seems) as you go.

    *it’s a tweet, which I am surprised hasn’t replaced the proverbial elevator in this phrase yet anyway.


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity http://bit.ly/2H3G6AX
    Jay Castello

    “On August 10th 1993 a tap started running somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean and it never really stopped,” says the elevator pitch* for The Things We Lost In The Flood. “The bottles came not long after.” From this premise you create a boat, the only way to navigate this watery world, and set off among roofs and pylon tips, finding messages from other players (but not the players themselves, it seems) as you go.

    *it’s a tweet, which I am surprised hasn’t replaced the proverbial elevator in this phrase yet anyway.


    http://bit.ly/2J2zEMD May 04, 2019 at 10:00PM

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