Friday, March 21.
  • Breaking News

    Sonic The Hedgehog Movie Delayed Until February Imran Khan The Sonic the Hedgehog movie has more twists and turns than a mobius strip. After teases and recoils to Sonic's design, the trailer finally came out last month. It...wasn't great. The reaction was so bad that director Jeff Fowler promised to fix the hedgehog's design as a result of that feedback. Well, now the movie is seeing a delay, likely because of those fixes, into February of 2020. The news, once again, comes courtesy of Jeff Fowler. Taking a little more time to make Sonic just right.#novfxartistswereharmedinthemakingofthismovie — Jeff Fowler (@fowltown) May 24, 2019 When it was announced that the studio was fixing the design, a lot of people raised the valid concern that doing so would be a terrible strain on the VFX artists that would be tasked with fixing what was undoubtedly a higher creative team's decision to have Sonic look more human-like. That meant a lot more work (and inevitably crunch) to get the move out in time for its November release date. As alluded to in the tweet, the studio seems aware of this and doesn't want to be tarred with the poor reputation. So we're going to have to wait a little bit longer to see the Sonic the Hedgehog movie, but it being on Valentine's Day specifically setting all my irony sensors off that were excited to see the movie in the first place. I'm still cool with it.

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