Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic film being written by Altered Carbon showrunner
It’s still early days yet, but there’s a Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic film in development. As reported by Buzzfeed last night, Laeta Kalogridis (Writer on Altered Carbon, Shutter Island, Alita: Battle Angel among others) is nearly done on a script for the first in a possible KOTOR film trilogy. I’m surprised that the whole Old Republic setting hadn’t been tapped for any film or animation projects previously, as it’s jam packed with fun worlds to explore, strange new aliens for the CGI crew to flex their artistic muscle on, and a straightforward story, if they’re following the game itself.
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Dominic Tarason
It’s still early days yet, but there’s a Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic film in development. As reported by Buzzfeed last night, Laeta Kalogridis (Writer on Altered Carbon, Shutter Island, Alita: Battle Angel among others) is nearly done on a script for the first in a possible KOTOR film trilogy. I’m surprised that the whole Old Republic setting hadn’t been tapped for any film or animation projects previously, as it’s jam packed with fun worlds to explore, strange new aliens for the CGI crew to flex their artistic muscle on, and a straightforward story, if they’re following the game itself. May 24, 2019 at 11:19PM
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