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    Fire Emblem: Three Houses Guide - The Secret Of Rusty Weapons Edmond Tran If you're playing Fire Emblem: Three Houses with online connectivity, you'll likely pick up a lot of rusted weapons. During battles, you'll see squares that have purple auras emanating from them, and if you end your turn on one of these, you'll pick up a random weapon. Most of the time, it'll be a rusted weapon, and your initial reaction might be to exclaim, "well that kinda sucks", and then sell it. For the most part, that's the right reaction. BUT don't forget to examine them in more detail by hitting "X" on the inventory screen. The game will describe what this rusted weapon has the potential to become if you use the Blacksmith to reforge them. Most of the time, this will just be an iron version of the weapon, but it's possible for rusted weapons to be turned into rare named weapons. So look closely before you get rid of them! For more in-game know-how, check our complete collection of essential advice and tips for Fire Emblem: Three Houses. It's a huge game, and after our multiple playthroughs, we have plenty of guidance we're dying to give you. For a behind-the-scenes look at the game, read our interview with the directors of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, where they talk about the series' increasing popularity in the West, the dramatic changes they made to the combat system, and the refreshing new character designs. In our Fire Emblem: Three Houses review, Kallie Plagge concluded: "When all was said and done, all I could think about was starting another playthrough… whether you're managing inventories or battlefields, it's the kind of game that's hard to put down, even when it's over." https://ift.tt/2ZjsXuj

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