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    I can teach you how to use TypeScript with WebGL Hello, I can teach you using Skype. If you share your screen I can tell you what you need to install and press. I can show you how to: set breakpoints in VSCode in the project with a few files. We will use AMD and RequireJS bundle your source files to use them in Browser. We will use Browserify and UglifyJS compile Node.js server TypeScript scripts connect your server with client that is written in pure WebGL, Phaser, Pixi.js, Three.js or Babylon.js write Jasmine Specs (Unit Tests) for client and server set breakpoints in Jasmine Specs deploy you TypeScript server and client on Heroku connect your project with GitHub to automation deploying after push My time rate is $10 per hour. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Hello, I can teach you using Skype. If you share your screen I can tell you what you need to install and press. I can show you how to: set breakpoints in VSCode in the project with a few files. We will use AMD and RequireJS bundle your source files to use them in Browser. We will use Browserify and UglifyJS compile Node.js server TypeScript scripts connect your server with client that is written in pure WebGL, Phaser, Pixi.js, Three.js or Babylon.js write Jasmine Specs (Unit Tests) for client and server set breakpoints in Jasmine Specs deploy you TypeScript server and client on Heroku connect your project with GitHub to automation deploying after push My time rate is $10 per hour.

    from GameDev.net https://ift.tt/2Y0lnrI

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