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    Selling IP licensing: Do people come to you? Or posted somewhere? Let's say we're interested in expanding our IP, if others may be interested, for a small % (now that we're known). In these cases, do people mostly come to you if interested? Or is there some website people post at for others to browse? If it's a website specific to gaming, that'd be a +1. I'm having trouble Googling this, so maybe something like this doesn't exist, but shot in the dark. https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Let's say we're interested in expanding our IP, if others may be interested, for a small % (now that we're known). In these cases, do people mostly come to you if interested? Or is there some website people post at for others to browse? If it's a website specific to gaming, that'd be a +1. I'm having trouble Googling this, so maybe something like this doesn't exist, but shot in the dark.

    from GameDev.net https://ift.tt/2ylkE5j

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