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    We Need Your Feedback for Bomball Game Prototype! After destroying and creating many game prototypes, me and my friend have finally created a prototype which we think is fun enough to be developed and published. But that's what we think! We kindly ask you for the most important part of game dev; Feedback. The prototype we created is called Bomball. It is a Top-Down Shooter-Sports game in which the player's goal is to shoot the bomb at the opponent's base (or goal). With each goal scored, the base's health is reduced until the game is won by either sides. Right now we have developed a simple AI to play with the player so we can test the base mechanics of the game. We really appreciate it if you take the time to test the game and tell us what you think. Here is the link to the Bomball Project Thank you! 😍 https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    After destroying and creating many game prototypes, me and my friend have finally created a prototype which we think is fun enough to be developed and published. But that's what we think! We kindly ask you for the most important part of game dev; Feedback. The prototype we created is called Bomball. It is a Top-Down Shooter-Sports game in which the player's goal is to shoot the bomb at the opponent's base (or goal). With each goal scored, the base's health is reduced until the game is won by either sides. Right now we have developed a simple AI to play with the player so we can test the base mechanics of the game. We really appreciate it if you take the time to test the game and tell us what you think. Here is the link to the Bomball Project Thank you! 😍

    from GameDev.net https://ift.tt/2YLFI3V

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