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    Should a Indie Dev with no Budget partner with a Publisher? Hi, I'm still new to this forum. Hopefully, I've posted this in the right section. Anyways, I was just wonderingm should an Indie Developer with no or close to none budget partner with a Game Publisher? Are the chances of being successful higher than if you publish your game on your own and market the game with no budget? Coz here's the thing, I've made games before but never marketed them or pitched them to publishers so I never made any profit from them, may it be monetary or reputation. Now, for my next game, I want to maximize my chances and I want it to be decently successful at least. My plan is to partner with publisher so that they can take care of the marketing side of things because I'm not good at it. (That's their job, right? Or am I mistaken?) Also, a bit off-topic, does Networking (befriending people from the Industry) help bolster your chances of being a successful Indie Dev or is it a waste of time? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    Hi, I'm still new to this forum. Hopefully, I've posted this in the right section. Anyways, I was just wonderingm should an Indie Developer with no or close to none budget partner with a Game Publisher? Are the chances of being successful higher than if you publish your game on your own and market the game with no budget? Coz here's the thing, I've made games before but never marketed them or pitched them to publishers so I never made any profit from them, may it be monetary or reputation. Now, for my next game, I want to maximize my chances and I want it to be decently successful at least. My plan is to partner with publisher so that they can take care of the marketing side of things because I'm not good at it. (That's their job, right? Or am I mistaken?) Also, a bit off-topic, does Networking (befriending people from the Industry) help bolster your chances of being a successful Indie Dev or is it a waste of time?

    from GameDev.net https://ift.tt/2Zq7B2x

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