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    NPOT Texture, here 2^n + 1, disadvantages ? I will need a texture size of 2^n +1 or +2, with n as far as i can see between 512 and 2048. These textures represent heightmap tiles and are intensively sampled from. They are not mipmapped, but will be compressed via opengl built-in compression. This is needed because i calculate normals via weighting/interpolating neighbours and sobel filtering for graphical effects and edge detection, so that, if two such textures meet, they overlap by one. Otherwise (as it is now) the normals along the edges where a neighbour of the current texel is missing would be incorrect. Otoh, my lod algorithm and its quadtree structure demand a power of two size of a tile. Officially this should work with only few "slightly unintended consequences", but is there a high risk of performance (texture lookup) or memory storage disadvantage you'd know of ? Are thre any concrete "unintended consequences" 😱 i should be aware of ? https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    I will need a texture size of 2^n +1 or +2, with n as far as i can see between 512 and 2048. These textures represent heightmap tiles and are intensively sampled from. They are not mipmapped, but will be compressed via opengl built-in compression. This is needed because i calculate normals via weighting/interpolating neighbours and sobel filtering for graphical effects and edge detection, so that, if two such textures meet, they overlap by one. Otherwise (as it is now) the normals along the edges where a neighbour of the current texel is missing would be incorrect. Otoh, my lod algorithm and its quadtree structure demand a power of two size of a tile. Officially this should work with only few "slightly unintended consequences", but is there a high risk of performance (texture lookup) or memory storage disadvantage you'd know of ? Are thre any concrete "unintended consequences" 😱 i should be aware of ?

    from GameDev.net https://ift.tt/2C9yae5

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