• Breaking News

    Blizzard in the Badlands Wilhelm Arcturus I saw this ogre shout while out in the Badlands and had to laugh. Tell us how you really feel… At this moment there is almost an aura of nostalgia about this being the top gaming news item a few months back now that we have Covid-19 and uncertain future ahead of us. (I named my hunter pet “Blitzchung” back then and saw no need to change it.) https://ift.tt/3aRvnWi

    I saw this ogre shout while out in the Badlands and had to laugh.

    Tell us how you really feel…

    At this moment there is almost an aura of nostalgia about this being the top gaming news item a few months back now that we have Covid-19 and uncertain future ahead of us.

    (I named my hunter pet “Blitzchung” back then and saw no need to change it.)

    from The Ancient Gaming Noob https://ift.tt/33kbFzR

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