Sunday, March 16.
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    Sea Of Thieves' shipwrecks are great and I can't believe players used to ignore them

    I adore the shipwrecks in Sea Of Thieves. There’s just something so thrilling about pulling up besides one and diving in to claim some sunken treasure. Maybe it’s the fear of sharks lurking about, ready to strike, or perhaps it’s the excitement of never knowing what sort of booty these lost vessels might contain.

    You’ll understand then, dear reader, why I’m baffled to learn I’m in the minority of Sea Of Thieves players who love these sunken beauties so dearly. According to Rare, shipwrecks were one of the least interacted with encounters in the game before they decided to beef them up with better loot.


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity
    Imogen Beckhelling

    I adore the shipwrecks in Sea Of Thieves. There’s just something so thrilling about pulling up besides one and diving in to claim some sunken treasure. Maybe it’s the fear of sharks lurking about, ready to strike, or perhaps it’s the excitement of never knowing what sort of booty these lost vessels might contain.

    You’ll understand then, dear reader, why I’m baffled to learn I’m in the minority of Sea Of Thieves players who love these sunken beauties so dearly. According to Rare, shipwrecks were one of the least interacted with encounters in the game before they decided to beef them up with better loot.

    (more…) March 19, 2020 at 12:17PM

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