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    Seinfeld's Larry David Made A COVID-19 PSA, And It's Preeeetty Preeeeetty Good James O'Connor As COVID-19 (coronavirus) forces people around the world to stay inside and practice good hygiene, many celebrities are taking it upon themselves to create PSAs asking us to stay safe. While the cast of Watchmen advised us to wash our hands, and the stars of Contagion explained what they learned making the film, Larry David's new PSA takes a different, far more caustic approach. In a tweet made by the Office of the Governor of California, Larry David--the co-creator of Seinfeld, and creator and star of HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm--encourages people to stay indoors and to not give into their worst instincts if they're idiots. “You’re hurting old people like me. Well, not me... I’ll never see you.”Larry David wants everyone to stay home to protect older Californians from #COVID19! He does not do these things. Listen to Larry.#StayHomeSaveLiveshttps://t.co/snYe5v55Rw pic.twitter.com/C5cKOaAufE — Office of the Governor of California (@CAgovernor) March 31, 2020 "I basically want to address the idiots out there, you know who you are," David opens. "You're going out--I don't know what you're doing, you're socializing too close, it's not good, you're hurting old people like me...well, not like me, I have nothing to do with you. I'll never see you." Continue Reading at GameSpot https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

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