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    Half-Life: Alyx gets proper mod tools and Steam Workshop support

    Half-Life and modding are basically synonymous. Whether it’s painstakingly remaking the original in Black Mesa or spawning entirely new multiplayer genres in Counter-Strike, Gordon Freeman’s misadventures are as much a platform for new works as they are solid shooters in their own rights. This weekend, Valve brought Half-Life: Alyx back into that lineage with Steam Workshop support and the beta release of HL:A’s editing tools.


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity https://ift.tt/3fNvohg
    Natalie Clayton

    Half-Life and modding are basically synonymous. Whether it’s painstakingly remaking the original in Black Mesa or spawning entirely new multiplayer genres in Counter-Strike, Gordon Freeman’s misadventures are as much a platform for new works as they are solid shooters in their own rights. This weekend, Valve brought Half-Life: Alyx back into that lineage with Steam Workshop support and the beta release of HL:A’s editing tools.


    https://ift.tt/365cKwO May 16, 2020 at 01:17PM

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