The Super Mario Animated Movie Is Still Progressing Well During Lockdowns Eddie Makuch Among the numerous Hollywood adaptations of video games in the works is an animated film based on Nintendo's Super Mario series. The film is slated to arrive in 2022, but some are wondering if the COVID-19 crisis may lead to a delay for the movie. That remains to be seen, but a new report from Deadline paints an optimistic picture. The site reports that the Super Mario movie remains in "active development and production." This is made possible because the team at Illumination was working remotely already. "They've always worked remotely," Deadline reported. A source familiar with Illumination's plans stated that the studio has been able to remain "extremely productive, innovative, and creative" over the past two months working remotely on its various movies. In addition to the Mario movie, Illumination is producing a new Minions movie, The Rise of Gru, and Sing 2. Two other original movies are in the works at Illumination that have not been announced. Continue Reading at GameSpot
Among the numerous Hollywood adaptations of video games in the works is an animated film based on Nintendo's Super Mario series. The film is slated to arrive in 2022, but some are wondering if the COVID-19 crisis may lead to a delay for the movie.
That remains to be seen, but a new report from Deadline paints an optimistic picture. The site reports that the Super Mario movie remains in "active development and production." This is made possible because the team at Illumination was working remotely already. "They've always worked remotely," Deadline reported.
A source familiar with Illumination's plans stated that the studio has been able to remain "extremely productive, innovative, and creative" over the past two months working remotely on its various movies. In addition to the Mario movie, Illumination is producing a new Minions movie, The Rise of Gru, and Sing 2. Two other original movies are in the works at Illumination that have not been announced.
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