In World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, new game tech and old code are at war

FEATURE: Game director Ion Hazzikostas faces a rough challenge for this fall’s World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion. Blizzard Entertainment must make a (sometimes poorly) aging game feel relevant and new again — while still remaining true to what people love. World of Warcraft occupies a unique place in the gaming world. After 15 years, i…Read More
from GamesBeat – VentureBeat
Heather Newman

FEATURE: Game director Ion Hazzikostas faces a rough challenge for this fall’s World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion. Blizzard Entertainment must make a (sometimes poorly) aging game feel relevant and new again — while still remaining true to what people love. World of Warcraft occupies a unique place in the gaming world. After 15 years, i…Read More July 19, 2020 at 03:16PM
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