Monday, March 17.
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    Have You Played… Velocity 2X?

    Velocity 2X

    If I wasn’t writing about games, I likely would never have heard of Futurlab’s Velocity. It was a top down shooter that had a unique hook: what if your space ship could teleport? The result was a slick game that was a lot of fun to play. Velocity 2X added 2D platformer sections interlaced in most levels. It was even better!


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity
    Dave Irwin

    Velocity 2X

    If I wasn’t writing about games, I likely would never have heard of Futurlab’s Velocity. It was a top down shooter that had a unique hook: what if your space ship could teleport? The result was a slick game that was a lot of fun to play. Velocity 2X added 2D platformer sections interlaced in most levels. It was even better!

    (more…) August 10, 2020 at 08:30AM

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