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    Bright Bob

    Bright Bob - a Fascinating and colorful game of skill and reaction, Bob only has time to blink :) Our hero, bright-eyed Bob, randomly came on the scene, and there is lawlessness: Drop boxes, safes, nails and hammers! Try not to fall under the impact of these items! Features: - Catch the bonus Life and the stars - The game has a variety of play: career and score game. - Compete against friends because the game has built -in high score table - Train reaction

    from Game Giveaway of the Day https://ift.tt/2S1eNvC
    Editor Bright Bob - a Fascinating and colorful game of skill and reaction, Bob only has time to blink :) Our hero, bright-eyed Bob, randomly came on the scene, and there is lawlessness: Drop boxes, safes, nails and hammers! Try not to fall under the impact of these items! Features: - Catch the bonus Life and the stars - The game has a variety of play: career and score game. - Compete against friends because the game has built -in high score table - Train reaction https://ift.tt/2G61s2A September 25, 2020 at 10:24AM

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