Thursday, March 27.
  • Breaking News

    Have you played… Aviary Attorney?

    Aviary Attorney header with Falcon talking to Rorguiel the lion

    I’ve already put myself on record as being obsessed with the Ace Attorney series. Comparison can come off as a backhanded compliment, but Aviary Attorney is a game so clearly inspired by Capcom’s courtroom series that comparisons aren’t really avoidable. Aviary Attorney carries across so much of Ace Attorney’s template, from gathering and presenting evidence, to the threeday time limit for each case.


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity
    James Law

    Aviary Attorney header with Falcon talking to Rorguiel the lion

    I’ve already put myself on record as being obsessed with the Ace Attorney series. Comparison can come off as a backhanded compliment, but Aviary Attorney is a game so clearly inspired by Capcom’s courtroom series that comparisons aren’t really avoidable. Aviary Attorney carries across so much of Ace Attorney’s template, from gathering and presenting evidence, to the threeday time limit for each case.

    (more…) November 06, 2020 at 09:30AM

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