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    Return to World Of Warcraft for free 'til Monday

    New character customisation options in WoW: Shadowlands.

    Just when you think you’re out, World Of Warcraft finds a way to drag you back in. Briefly, at least. Ahead of the release of World Of Warcraft: Shadowlands later this month, Blizzard are re-activating all your lapsed accounts for the weekend, in the hopes that a brief return to boar-slaying will tempt you back to the behemoth MMORPG.


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity https://ift.tt/3k8nOP6
    Natalie Clayton

    New character customisation options in WoW: Shadowlands.

    Just when you think you’re out, World Of Warcraft finds a way to drag you back in. Briefly, at least. Ahead of the release of World Of Warcraft: Shadowlands later this month, Blizzard are re-activating all your lapsed accounts for the weekend, in the hopes that a brief return to boar-slaying will tempt you back to the behemoth MMORPG.


    https://ift.tt/3eymCnj November 07, 2020 at 02:23PM

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