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    You Can Pet The Heavily Armed Robodog In Battlefield 2042 Cameron Koch Battlefield 2042 includes a nice little Easter Egg that players have discovered, and it involves the game's lovable (and deadly) robotic "dog," the Ranger. Rangers can be called in by players over the course of the match, roaming the battlefield firing at enemies and serving as personal bodyguards. Even though there is no button prompt to do so, players have discovered that getting close to a Ranger and holding the interact button will show you a special animation in which your character kneels down to give the lovable robot a pat on its cute, camera-lens head. You can check the Easter Egg below via a video shared by the official Battlefield Twitter account. Who's a good dog? 🐕🎬: dog driving a car pic.twitter.com/BTkNhechbx — Battlefield (@Battlefield) December 7, 2021 It's a nice little interaction that serves as a direct in-game reference to a piece of Battlefield 2042 concept art showing one of the game's specialists, Angel, petting a wounded Ranger. The animation just might inspire you to run out and pet every Ranger you see while playing Battlefield 2042's multiplayer, but perhaps it's for the best if you don't stay too close for too long. As pointed out by FPS YouTuber Jackfrags, you can actually give the Ranger commands, including commanding the Ranger to follow, go to a certain location, or even to self-destruct. Continue Reading at GameSpot https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

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