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    SDL logicalrenderscale and the mouse No matter what I do, I can't figure out a way to convert the mouse position to a world coordinate. SDL_GetMouseState gives the window position, but doesn't take into account the logical size. It's got me completely lost and frustrated, I just keep thinking of a way to fix it, and completely mind blanking. I need to click a place on the window, convert it into a place within the 640x480 size I've set, then convert it into a world position, but I just can't convert the position down to the 640x480 size https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

    No matter what I do, I can't figure out a way to convert the mouse position to a world coordinate. SDL_GetMouseState gives the window position, but doesn't take into account the logical size. It's got me completely lost and frustrated, I just keep thinking of a way to fix it, and completely mind blanking. I need to click a place on the window, convert it into a place within the 640x480 size I've set, then convert it into a world position, but I just can't convert the position down to the 640x480 size

    from GameDev.net http://bit.ly/2VZGiVW

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