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    Apex Legends guns & weapon stats (Season 4): top tips and tier lists!

    Ah, Apex Legends guns guide, how I’ve missed you. Each new Apex season drop inevitably brings with it a tide of weapon adjustments, at least one new weapon, and whole load more reasons to spend hours updating this particular repository of knowledge and stats every few months. And Season 4 is certainly no exception, expanding the roster with the new Sentinel Sniper Rifle and altering over half of the other weapons in various interesting ways.

    Our Apex Legends guns & weapons guide will walk you through all 23 weapons in the game one at a time, along with detailed stats and opinions, and even a tier list ranking all of the best guns within their respective classes!


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity https://ift.tt/2Ox5OBf
    Ollie Toms

    Ah, Apex Legends guns guide, how I’ve missed you. Each new Apex season drop inevitably brings with it a tide of weapon adjustments, at least one new weapon, and whole load more reasons to spend hours updating this particular repository of knowledge and stats every few months. And Season 4 is certainly no exception, expanding the roster with the new Sentinel Sniper Rifle and altering over half of the other weapons in various interesting ways.

    Our Apex Legends guns & weapons guide will walk you through all 23 weapons in the game one at a time, along with detailed stats and opinions, and even a tier list ranking all of the best guns within their respective classes!


    https://ift.tt/2GW3YFM February 06, 2020 at 02:03PM

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