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    Gears Of War studio head is joining Blizzard to oversee Diablo

    Rod Fergusson has worked on every Gears Of War game over the last 15 years, from starting the original Gears Of War with Epic, to helping establish The Coalition studio to work on the rest of the series. But now he’s heading to pastures new, joining Blizzard to oversee all things Diablo.

    “Leaving is bittersweet as I love our Gears family, the fans, and everyone at The Coalition and Xbox,” he tweeted. “Thank you, it has been an honor and a privilege to work with you all.”


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    Imogen Beckhelling

    Rod Fergusson has worked on every Gears Of War game over the last 15 years, from starting the original Gears Of War with Epic, to helping establish The Coalition studio to work on the rest of the series. But now he’s heading to pastures new, joining Blizzard to oversee all things Diablo.

    “Leaving is bittersweet as I love our Gears family, the fans, and everyone at The Coalition and Xbox,” he tweeted. “Thank you, it has been an honor and a privilege to work with you all.”


    https://ift.tt/2UywXYf February 06, 2020 at 02:22PM

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