Thursday, March 27.
  • Breaking News

    From graffiti to giant robots, Umurangi Generation's Macro DLC isn't messing around

    I didn’t think Umurangi Generation could find a way to be more entirely my jam. And yet, with a heaping serving of skates, spraypaint and giant killer robots, today’s Macro DLC has managed just that. But alongside a new set of maps, lenses, and a toolset that closes the gap with Jet Set Radio even further, this week’s drop is also brazenly radical in capturing our current political hellscape on 35mm film.


    from Search Results for “” – Rock Paper Shotgun – PC Game Reviews, Previews, Subjectivity
    Natalie Clayton

    I didn’t think Umurangi Generation could find a way to be more entirely my jam. And yet, with a heaping serving of skates, spraypaint and giant killer robots, today’s Macro DLC has managed just that. But alongside a new set of maps, lenses, and a toolset that closes the gap with Jet Set Radio even further, this week’s drop is also brazenly radical in capturing our current political hellscape on 35mm film.

    (more…) November 07, 2020 at 04:09PM

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